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Meet The 5 Guardians Of The Perfect Landing Page

Just like the Nova Empire, many organisations provide services and products that enhance people’s lives. However, an organisation may run into some difficulties persuading their customers that the service or product advertised is the best they can offer. An online campaign might do very well with a high Click Through Rate and low Cost Per Click (confused about these metrics? click here to learn more), but sometimes, the landing page just doesn’t do the product any justice.

The landing page is the entry point for your website after a visitor clicks on an online advertisement (for example, a text ad from a Google search result or a display ad on a website). Very often, it is the first opportunity – apart from the ads themselves – for you to make an impression that will win your customers over.

Let’s take a look at this landing page first:

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Does this look familiar to you and remind you of some elements on your website?  Now take a look at this mock up:

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Think like your potential consumer for a moment and ask yourself: which landing page is more likely to encourage you to convert?

I know, right?

Without further ado, let me introduce to you the 5 guardians of the perfect landing page.

Guardian #1: An eye-catching headline accompanied by winning visuals.

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The headline is one of the first things your visitors will see upon entering your site, so it’s important for it to be attractive and appealing if you want visitors to keep exploring. How can your headline reflect this?

Confirm to the visitor they are on the right page. Repeat the offer you mentioned on your ad or the tagline you used in your display advertising. If visitors aren’t sure whether they can find what they are looking for, they’ll usually choose the easy way out – leave. Use a sub-heading if necessary – it’s a great way to dangle your carrot/infinity stone without giving too much away.

It’s no secret that visuals play a key role in grabbing viewer attention. Don’t be shy about showcasing your product or services through pictures or demo videos. Remember to give your visitors some context regarding the visuals too. Adding call to action phrases or unique selling proposition overlays is a fantastic way to help your visuals make a greater impact.

Keep in mind that size and quality matter. Images and videos that are too small, too big, or poor quality and pixelated are big turn-offs. Not only do they make your webpage look unprofessional, but they may also reduce your trustworthiness and increase conversion anxiety.


Guardian #2: Bite-sized, engaging and easy-to-consume content.

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Let’s face it, attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. As such, massive chunks of text will not keep your visitors interested. On the other hand, landing pages with little content may give visitors the impression that your business can’t explain the value of the product or service being sold. In that case, visitors are also not going to pay attention.

In short, it’s about finding the right balance and making your content succinct and easy to consume. Play with the presentation: use dot points, tick boxes and get creative! Use whatever you can to get your point across and make you content more digestible. Make additional reading material an option and not a mandatory requirement. If the visitors are interested in learning more, give them the option to click on an expandable content pane or scroll down for more information. Your visitors will appreciate your respect of their time.

Guardian #3: Trust signals

5 Guardians Landing Page 6People tend to be a little bit anxious when it comes to making a purchase or sharing personal information online. A good landing page finds ways to send out strong trust signals that indicate that the brand, product and/or services are trustworthy.

Firstly, don’t make your site look suspicious and make it hard for your visitors to trust you. A clean and uncluttered design always helps. Try to make it loud and clear who you are and how you can help advance your visitors’ life in the most transparent way. In “Contact us” or “Enquire online” forms, if you don’t need the visitor’s full residential address and their pets’ name, just don’t ask for it. Only ask for personal information when you absolutely have to and explain why you need this info clearly. If a longer form is required, let your visitors know.

It helps the visitor to understand you are treating their private information with respect and will make it an easier and simpler process to complete a conversion and that is exactly what visitors are after a lot of the time.

To boost your trust signals even further, testimonials are oldies but goodies. They capitalise on word-of-mouth reviews from your previous clients, which is one of the best forms of authentic endorsements you can get. Using numbers is also a great way to demonstrate your business’ trustworthiness. This can be as simple as a “3 year warranty” statement to show commitment in providing a long-lasting product, a “10,000 members in Australia” statement as a form of social proof or an “Over 20 years experience” statement to showcase the brand and history. If you are a member of a larger professional association, have won any awards or worked with any well-known brands, brag about it, you’ve earned it!

These trust signals play a crucial role in helping your visitors overcome uncertainties and push further down the purchase channel.

Guardian #4: Clear direction of action and an irresistible deal.

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If there is only one metric businesses need to consider when building a landing page, that metric would be attention ratio. Attention ratio refers to the number of interactive elements on the site and the number of conversion goals.

Without going into too much detail in stats and graphs, just recall the frustration you felt last time you tried to pick up a tube of toothpaste at the grocery store. You clearly only needed to grab one tube of toothpaste, but there were just way too many choices around, adding difficulty to your decision.

A good landing page should only have one clearly identified goal. It should be complemented by a strong call to action that gives out clear direction of how to complete the desired goal.

While it might seem to be a good idea to ensure visitors know about all the options they have to truly “know” your company, including a “Contact us” form on the right hand side, a subscription box to sign up for your online newsletter underneath, a “Like us on Facebook” button and an arrow pointing at the 15% off special offer is a recipe for disaster. Keep in mind that if the business focus is generating online sales, the focal point should be on the “buy now” button. Any other interactive elements are simply noise. Often, the mentality of a visitor is “This sounds fantastic, just tell me how I can sign up!”

Give visitors an incentive to click on the “Pay now” or “Sign up” button by offering a deal. Deals speak to a special part of us that wants to feel like we are getting more bang for our buck. They’re also a great way of further boosting your trust signals. Offers such as “30 day money back guarantee” and “Free shipping & returns” are like a reassuring pat on the back of your customer, letting them know that they are covered. Conveniently place your irresistible deals next to your call to action button. It might be that final bit of encouragement your visitors need to push them over the purchase line

Guardian #5: Your brutally honest visitors & Conversion Rate Optimisation

5 Guardians Landing Page 8Your visitors are your best friends when it comes to landing page optimisation. Site visitors are brutally honest when it comes to how they would feel about the landing page. If they don’t see the value of your offer or if the content is hard to consume, visitors won’t hesitate to move on from your page and onto a competitor’s site (yep, true story).

Work with your digital marketing partner and web developer in setting up tracking mechanisms. Make changes based on your web analytics data and test the performance of different elements on the site (call to actions, layout and colour schemes).

Keep in mind that every business and their visitors are unique. Some businesses may only need a good looking headline, a clean background image and a call to action button to make visitors convert, while others may need a bit of extra content to make the sale. Businesses and visitors are constantly changing too, so try understanding what the visitor data is telling you and keep testing and learning. This process will truly push your business to have the ‘Perfect Landing Page’.


After consulting with the 5 guardians of the perfect landing page, Nova Prime determined the cause of their low conversion rate. Simply implementing a contact us form and displaying the contact phone number in a prominent position has dramatically increased the number of conversions. Nova Prime said she was glad to meet the 5 guardians and that her team is still testing a few other elements on the site to improve the conversion rate, however she is very pleased with the initial results they have achieved together!
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