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Why Your SEO Needs Content Marketing

SEO now relies heavily on content marketing

Key Takeouts

  • Content marketing and SEO are not separate entities. In fact, they belong together!
  • If you do SEO, you should also do content marketing. If you do content marketing, you should also do SEO.
  • Content marketing refers to the creation and distribution of quality, relevant and useful content to a targeted audience.
  • To succeed in SEO long term, it’s not just about snapping up some brilliant guest posting opportunities and gaining link backs. Now, you need to be making the kind of content that sticks and resonates with your audience. Content covers a wide range of areas, including technical SEO!

As a writer who has also dabbled in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), it has quickly become clear just how intertwined content and SEO are. Over time I have found a love for both fields and enjoy seeing how the two can merge and come together, creating a beautiful piece of content that also helps achieve client goals. For those who haven’t had the same opportunity, it’s easy to see the two as very separate entities, but this is a mistake that will only haunt you down the track! The two belong together. But how exactly does content marketing fit into SEO?

What is content marketing?

It’s a cliché, but it’s true – content is king. And it’s no truer than in the SEO industry!  SEO demands content and content marketing delivers.

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Content marketing refers to a strategic marketing approach that looks at the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant and consistent content, aimed at a selected target audience and driving this audience to perform some sort of action. Basically, it’s about making good content that achieves your goals and in the digital world that is, more often than not, your SEO goals.

Three ways SEO has evolved:

  1. Keyword quality over quantity

Although keywords are still essential, they must be used cleverly, especially when it comes to content. To get the most out of keywords, you need to apply them strategically in your content, without stuffing them in or making them seem unnatural. For example:

Don't keyword stuff your content

Not only will Google love you, but so will your readers!

  1. Get your links in order

Another important part of SEO is link building. SEO Consultants dream about links back from awesome websites. Any website with high authority (a metric of a trusted or credible website) or extended reach to your audience linking back to your site is a hole-in-one. While there are some easier ways to build links (directories, for example), there is nothing like some juicy content that others want to share.


[key_snippet no=’2′]

And remember that content isn’t just text; it can also be visual, or a combination of the two like a video, infographic, illustrated article or designed email. Start building relationships with influencers and build a network you can call on to share your content.

  1. Content has its place in technical SEO

Content marketing even has a place in technical SEO (technical SEO refers to optimising the code and layout of your site so it’s easily readable by search engines). Optimising elements of a page like the Meta data, i.e. the information that comes up for your website in the Google search results, is important.

An example of Meta data

Good content in the technical elements of SEO like the Meta data make your site easy for users to read and ultimately keeps them on your site longer which is what encourages Google to rank your site better in the search results.

Friends of a feather, stick together

With the changes Google has made to its algorithm (the way Google ranks websites) and the smarts of the everyday Googler today, it’s easy to see why SEO and content marketing overlap significantly. It’s fascinating to see how the two combine and just how much of an effect one can have on the other. I have seen many cases where content marketing has greatly affected SEO and vice versa. Remember that digital marketing covers many aspects and these should be used in harmony with each other for the best effect. Bring them together and see the benefits!

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